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 MU 90 Impact Torpedo

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MU 90 Impact Torpedo Empty
PostSubject: MU 90 Impact Torpedo   MU 90 Impact Torpedo EmptyThu Jan 21, 2010 10:46 am


MU 90 Impact Torpedo 800px-MU90svg



Weight : 304 kg
Length : 2850 mm
Diameter : 323.7 mm
Warhead : shaped charge warhead
Warhead weight : 32.7 kg
Engine : electric pump-jet
Operational range : >10 km at max. speed, >25 km at min. speed
Maximum depth : >1000 m
Speed : 29 to >50 knots



The MU90/IMPACT is an advanced lightweight anti-submarine torpedo used by navies of Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Australia and Poland. It is designed to compete with and outperform the US-built Mark 46 in the anti-submarine role, and is also available in a special MU90 Hard Kill version for anti-torpedo defence. It is unclear how it performs compared to the more modern derivatives of the Mark 46 torpedo, specifically the Mark 50 and Mark 54 torpedoes. The MU90 is built by a wide consortium of European companies organised as EuroTorp.



The MU90 was the end result of separate projects in France and Italy from the 1980s. In France, a project under the direction of Thomson Sintra created the "Murène" in 1989, while in Italy Whitehead started work on an A244 replacement known as the A290. In 1990 the first efforts to merge the two efforts started, an effort that was finalised in 1993 with the formation of EuroTorp.

Among its many features, the MU90 is capable against any current or perceived threat, including a bottomed stationary mini-submarine, known versions of anechoic coatings and various decoys. It is also capable of launch speeds up to 400 knots, allowing it to be dropped from maritime patrol aircraft flying at high speeds, or rocket-assist launchers. Powered by an electric pump-jet, it can be run at "silent" speeds to avoid giving its location away to the submarine, or "dash" at speeds over 50 km/h. It uses a shaped charge warhead that can penetrate any known submarine hull, especially Soviet double hull designs, while remaining just as deadly in shallow waters where conventional warheads are less effective.



MU90 Hard Kill



MU 90 Impact Torpedo Th_800px-MU90 . MU 90 Impact Torpedo Th_800px-MU90_torpedo_01 . MU 90 Impact Torpedo Th_800px-MU90_torpedo_02 . MU 90 Impact Torpedo Th_MU90-torpedo_360_240

MU 90 Impact Torpedo Th_MU902-small . MU 90 Impact Torpedo Th_MU90_01jpge53c0f93-e8c3-4187-9b74-e . MU 90 Impact Torpedo Th_bea19f3f-3750-4621-929b-b3046e5646c . MU 90 Impact Torpedo Th_mu90-2
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Joined : 2010-01-27
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MU 90 Impact Torpedo Empty
PostSubject: Re: MU 90 Impact Torpedo   MU 90 Impact Torpedo EmptyTue Feb 09, 2010 12:31 am

Oh great..nice to see soo many life destroyers at one place... MU 90 Impact Torpedo Icon_smile
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